hotels & restaurants

making a first impression that lasts

our stones for hospitality

It all begins from lobbies and lounges. Whether they are opulent, quirky or cosy, the entrances to the world of hospitality are usually designed to make a good and lasting impression.


the art of pampering

pamper [ˈpæm.pər]

  1. /verb

Indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness; spoil.

Since ancient times, the stone is the preferred material when it comes to wet and steamy environments. Would you imagine a Roman thermae or a Turkish hammam without stone cladding? We preserve the old tradition supplying and fitting materials for spaces of absolute pleasure and relaxation.

social and convivial

When eating or drinking is not just about feeding our body.

Dining out or meeting friends for a drink must be a full sensorial experience. The beauty, diversity and longevity of the many types of stone make them the best choice for flooring, wall cladding, countertops and as many applications as a designer can imagine.




retail spaces