granite foundation stones

Carved for the City of London Police & Law Courts

The 45,785 m² Salisbury Square development on Fleet Street will house the City of London Police Headquarters and the City of London Law Courts. The latter will have 18 courtrooms combining magistrates, civil and crown courts in one flagship facility. Construction will not be complete for another five years, but the foundation stones, which were carved by stoneCIRCLE, were unveiled in a ceremony in autumn 2022.

Szerelmey Ltd and Eric Parry Architects commissioned us to carve two foundation stones: one for the City of London Law Courts and one for the Police Headquarters both in Zimbabwe Black granite. Each was 150 mm thick x 2.1 m high x 1.5 m wide and weighed in at over 1300 kg.  

The turbulent state of UK politics meant we had to reface and recut the inscriptions before the then Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Brandon Lewis, unveiled them in a ceremony on 18th October 2022.  

The stones were delivered to the site for the unveiling and then returned to us to be stored for five years until they can be incorporated into the finished buildings.

project details

  • client: City of London Corporation

  • architect: Eric Parry Architects

  • contractor: Szerelmey

  • material: Zimbabwe Black Granite


drinking in style


stone sculpture